Ordinance authorizing a rate surcharge for certain portions of the combined waterworks and sewerage system of the County.
Staff Summary
· A new code compliant water distribution system is being constructed in the Hawthorn Woods/Glennshire area and will be funded by revenue generated from the local area.
· The residents have been given an option on payment of their portion of the cost via either a one-time payment of $11,600 or enrollment in a surcharge payment plan of approximately $85.00 per month for 30 years (final amount determined at bond sale).
· This ordinance identifies the served parcels, the one-time capital cost amount, the surcharge payment amount, the parcels that have paid the one-time payment, and those parcels that will enroll in the surcharge payment plan.
· The last day to submit the one-time payment is October 2, 2009 after which all remaining parcels will be enrolled in the surcharge payment plan.
· The surcharge payment will begin in October, 2010 after the new system has been placed in service.
Ordinance of October 13, 2009
Agenda Item ___
An Ordinance of The County of Lake, Illinois, Authorizing a Rate Surcharge for Certain Portions of the Combined Waterworks and Sewerage System of the County.
Whereas The County of Lake, Illinois (the “County”), owns and operates a combined waterworks and sewerage system (the “System”) under and in accordance with the provisions of Division 5-15 of the Counties Code of the State of Illinois (55 ILCS 5/1-1001 et seq.), as amended, and all laws supplementary thereto, including the Local Government Debt Reform Act, as amended, and the other Omnibus Bond Acts of the State of Illinois;
Whereas the County Board of the County (the “County Board”) has determined that it is in the best interests of public health, safety and welfare to improve and extend the System including, among other items, replacement of the water system which serves the residents (the “HWG Residents”) of Hawthorn Woods and Gle...
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