Resolution approving the Local Workforce Development Area One, Lake County Chief Elected Official & Workforce Development Board Agreement.
Staff Summary
* Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act (WIOA) requires an agreement be entered into between the Chief Elected Official and the Workforce Development Board for the purpose of implementing activities authorized by the WIOA grants.
* The agreement defines the individual and cooperative roles of the CEO and the Workforce Development Board regarding planning, delivery and administration of WIOA-funded activities to facilitate the delivery of optimal workforce development services for individuals and employers within the Lake County workforce development area.
* The agreement defines the functions of the CEO, the Workforce Development Board, the joint functions of the CEO and Workforce Development Board, the fiscal agent, and the one stop operator for the Job Center of Lake County.
* The agreement effective date is May 1, 2019 and renews annually.
WHEREAS, the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) requires that local workforce development areas develop and submit an agreement between the Chief Elected Official and the Workforce Development Board for the local workforce development area receiving WIOA Formula funding, as distributed through their State workforce agency; and
WHEREAS, Lake County has been designated as a local workforce development area by the State of Illinois; and
WHEREAS, the agreement has been approved by the Workforce Development Board; and
WHEREAS, submission of this agreement requires the approval and signature of the Lake County Board Chairman, as Chief Elected Official (CEO) for the local workforce area, and.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by this County Board of Lake County, Illinois, that the Local Workforce Development one agreement between the Chief Elected Official and the Workforce Development Board is hereby approved; and that the Chairman ...
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