Special recognition proclaiming April 2022 as Lake County Fair Housing Month.
WHEREAS, the Congress of the United States passed the Civil Rights Act of 1968, of which Title VIII declared that the law of the land would now guarantee the right of equal housing opportunity; and
WHEREAS, the Congress subsequently passed the Fair Housing Amendments of 1988, which further extended the rights guaranteed under Title VIII; and
WHEREAS, Lake County recognizes and appreciates the value of a diverse population, and this diversity can only be maintained and expanded if individuals have equal access to a broad range of housing in thriving communities; and
WHEREAS, Lake County is committed to providing safe, affordable, decent, and sanitary housing where people choose to live and to assure equal housing opportunity and nondiscrimination in all activities; and
WHEREAS, Lake County provides Community Development Block Grant funding to fair housing groups to support the education, counseling and legal services they provide to local residents. Topics related to fair housing such as transportation and affordable housing also are supported by grant funding; and
WHEREAS, agencies such as Prairie State Legal Services are committed to provide fair housing-focused education, outreach and partnership to every resident of Lake County including an overview of fair housing rights and resources available to those who may be a victim of housing discrimination.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RECOGNIZED, the County Board of Lake County, Illinois, designates April 2022 as Lake County Fair Housing Month.
DATED, at Waukegan, Illinois, on April 12, 2022.