Discussion of Proposed Fee Increases to the Planning, Building and Land Development Fee Schedule for FY 2009
Staff Summary
• The last fee increase for the Planning, Building and Development Department was 14 months ago.
• Staff has researched other nearby jurisdiction fees as well as calculated the in-house costs of providing the services to customers. The results show that for most new construction the County charges between 23% and 46% less than other jurisdictions. Fees for small projects, such as sheds and fences, are 10% higher than other jurisdictions.
• Overall, the Director will be recommending between 5% and 10% increases with the goal of increasing the fees again next year to close the gap between the County and nearby jurisdictions.
• The Committee is being asked to review the proposed increases and give direction to the staff so that the final fee schedule can be presented on February 3, 2009 for approval.