Resolution Authorizing the Director of Public Works to execute a Plat of Easement Vacation in the Melody Lake Subdivision in the Village of
Staff Summary
· The Village of Mettawa has requested that the County vacate a water distribution and utility easement in the Melody Lake Subdivision at the southeast corner of Route 60 and Riverwoods Road.
· The existing easements that were dedicated as part of the original subdivision in 1962, contain no active public utilities, and are no longer necessary and may be vacated.
· The County has received detailed information on the proposed development plan for the parcel and has received confirmation of necessary offsite easements that will allow construction of sewer mains to be able to serve the subject parcel.
· A Plat of Easement Vacation has been prepared that identifies the existing water distribution and utility easements that are to be vacated.
· This resolution authorizes and directs the Director of Public Works to execute the Plat of Easement Vacation on behalf of the County.
WHEREAS, Lake County owns and operates certain local water and sewer systems in the Village of Mettawa; and
WHEREAS, the Melody Lake Subdivision was subdivided in 1962 with water distribution and utility easements along the rear and sideyard lot lines; and
WHEREAS, the existing rear and sideyard water distribution and utility easements were dedicated as part of the original subdivision in 1962, contain no public utilities, are no longer necessary and may be vacated; and
WHEREAS, a Plat of Easement Vacation has been prepared that identifies the existing water distribution and utility easements that are to be vacated; and
WHEREAS, authorization for the Director of Public Works to execute a Plat of Easement Vacation must be authorized by Resolution of the County Board.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by this County Board of Lake County, Illinois, that the Director of Public Works of said County is hereby authorize...
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