Ordinance approving an apportionment plan for the Lake County Board.
Staff Summary
· Illinois law requires the Lake County Board, by July 1, 2011, to reapportion Lake County so each Member of the County Board represents the same number of inhabitants.
· A reapportionment committee was established and directed to reapportion Lake County.
· At the April 11, 2011 reapportionment committee meeting the Chair was directed to prepare a reapportionment plan with 21 districts.
· The recommended apportionment plan and corresponding map is attached.
WHEREAS, Illinois Compiled Statutes, Chapter 55, Section 5/2-3001, et seq. requires the County Board to reapportion the County by July 1, 2011; and
WHEREAS, it is recommended by your Reapportionment Committee that the Board Members shall be elected by County Board Districts; and
WHEREAS, if it is determined that Board Members shall be elected by districts, Illinois law requires the County Board to develop an apportionment plan and specify the number of districts and the number of County Board Members to be elected from each district where the districts are equal in population, comprised of contiguous territory (as nearly as compact as possible), dividing townships and municipalities only when necessary to meet population equality, and not dividing precincts between two or more districts insofar as is practicable; and
WHEREAS, your Reapportionment Committee has developed the most appropriate plan for the reapportioning of Lake County in accordance with Illinois and federal statutes and is attached hereto and made part of this Ordinance.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, by this County Board of Lake County, Illinois that:
1. The Lake County Board to be elected in 2012 shall be elected by County Board Districts.
2. The number of Lake County Board Districts for the Lake County Board to be elected in 2012 shall be 21, the boundaries of which...
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