Resolution to accept an Illinois Department of Human Services Disaster Assistance Program (IDAP) grant, to authorize the pass-through of grant funds to eligible units of local government and not-for-profit organizations to reimburse their eligible costs incurred in providing human services to Lake County communities as a result of the June-July 2008 Flood Disaster, and to authorize the necessary budget amendments, agreements, and emergency appropriations of $23,413.46 for these eligible costs.
Staff Summary
· The United States Department of Health and Human Services (US DHHS) through the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) has made funding available for human services needs incurred as a result of the Federally Declared Flood Disaster in Lake County.
· The Illinois Disaster Assistance Program (IDAP) is targeted to support people who were impacted by the June-July 2008 disaster, through the array of human services organizations and agencies within each county.
· Available IDAP funds were allocated to Illinois Counties on a formula basis, based in part on the claims filed by residents with the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
· The IDHS requires that Counties distribute these funds to support agencies, organizations, and units of government to reimburse eligible costs that have already been incurred or will be incurred as a direct result of the 2008 disaster.
· The IDHS further requires that, as the primary local disaster coordination entity, each affected county’s Emergency Management Agency must be involved in the planning and distribution process for the IDAP funds.
· Lake County Emergency Management is coordinating with municipal, township, and County departments and agencies, and not-for-profit service providers through the United Way, to plan for the distribution of this funding in accordance with the IDAP guidelines.
· Funds will be used first to reimburse eligible costs already incurred by local human services organizations, and di...
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