Joint resolution authorizing an emergency appropriation in FY13 in the amount of $90,735 from the Public Health Institute of Metropolitan Chicago for the Care and Prevention in the United States (CAPUS) grant.
Staff Summary
· The Public Health Institute of Metropolitan Chicago, FY13 Care and Prevention in the United States (CAPUS) grant award in the amount of $100,000 was awarded for the period of January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
· These funds expand routine HIV screening (approximately 6,000 screenings per year) within clinical and correctional settings.
· The amount requested to be appropriated in FY13 is $90,735.
· Funding will be used for a new full-time Community Health Associate II that will act as the HIV Testing Site Coordinator, a part-time Program Assistant who will be responsible for data entry and program support, and other non-personnel expenses.
· If the grant is not continued, the positions associated with this grant will be eliminated.
· These funds will also offset existing staff costs.
WHEREAS, the Lake County Health Department and Community Health Center has been awarded one new grant delivered by our Population Health Service Area; and
WHEREAS, these dollars will provide a legitimate increase in services to Lake County with no impact on local taxes; and
WHEREAS, this grant totaling $90,735 has not been previously appropriated, having been awarded after adoption of the Fiscal Year 2013 budget; and
WHEREAS, the proposed appropriation will be fully offset by the above referenced items thereby not requiring the expenditure of local tax revenue.
NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved, by this County Board of Lake County, Illinois that an emergency appropriation in the amount of $90,735 is hereby authorized in the Health Department budget as identified on the listing of expense and revenue budget modifications attached hereto and made part hereof; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the revenue budgets as identified on th...
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