Special recognition honoring September 2024 as Workforce Development Month.
WHEREAS, Workforce Development Month was created in 2005 by the National Association of Workforce Development Professionals (NAWDP) to raise awareness about the importance of the industry to growing a national economy; and
WHEREAS, the complexity and fast-paced changes in our economy and labor markets put new demands on individuals and employers at all levels to constantly evolve; and
WHEREAS, employers depend on professional services to help them recruit and retain a competitive workforce, and continually upgrade the skill sets of their employees; and
WHEREAS, Lake County Workforce Development is a leader in implementing change, and through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act they've partnered with government agencies, businesses, training and education facilities and community-based organizations to develop comprehensive workforce solutions for communities; and
WHEREAS, Workforce Development has been instrumental in creating a system that successfully delivers programs and services that allow greater access to training, education and jobs for the underserved while providing industries and small businesses access to talent and employee re-training, with partners and stakeholders receiving professional workforce development services for customers and employees.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RECOGNIZED, by this County Board of Lake County, Illinois, that September 2024 as Workforce Development Month in Lake County; and
BE IT FURTHER RECOGNIZED, that the County Board thanks Lake County's Workforce Development for all of their exceptional efforts and joins the NAWDP in honoring all Workforce Development organizations for playing such as vital role in our economy. As part of the County's Strategic Plan, the county is committed to supporting Workforce Development in expanding access to economic opportunities to strengthen the growth of Lake County.
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