Resolution authorizing the Director of Public Works to execute a Plat of Vacation and Easement Grant in Sikora’s Subdivision in the Village of Mundelein
Staff Summary
· Lake County owns and operates certain local sewer lines within the Village of Mundelein and has associated easements dedicated as part of the original site development plans.
· Lot 1 of Sikora’s Subdivision is being redeveloped to remove the existing structure (the old Journey’s End Restaurant) to allow for redevelopment of the parcel.
· The sanitary sewer lines must be relocated and a new easement needs to be granted for the relocated sewer line.
· This resolution authorizes the Director of Public Works to execute a Plat of Vacation and Easement Grant on behalf of the County for these relocated sewer lines.
WHEREAS, Lake County owns and operates certain local sewer systems in the Village of Mundelein; and
WHEREAS, Sikora’s Subdivision was subdivided in 1973 with sanitary sewer easements along the rear and sideyard lot lines; and
WHEREAS, certain existing rear and sideyard sanitary sewer easements were dedicated as part of the original subdivision in 1973, contain no public utilities, are no longer necessary and may be vacated; and
WHEREAS, Lot 1 of Sikora’s Subdivision is being redeveloped to tear down the old Journey’s End Restaurant and replace it with a CVS Pharmacy, and
WHEREAS, the sanitary sewer servicing the proposed CVS Pharmacy must be relocated, and
WHEREAS, a new easement must be granted for the relocated sewer, and
WHEREAS, a Plat of Vacation & Easement Grant has been prepared that identifies the existing sanitary sewer easements that are to be vacated and the proposed sanitary sewer easements that are to be granted; and
WHEREAS, authorization for the Director of Public Works to execute a Plat of Vacation & Easement Grant must be authorized by Resolution of the County Board.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by this County Board of Lake County, Illinois, that ...
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