Joint resolution authorizing an emergency appropriation in the amount of $52,500 within the Lake County Public Works Department's Fund 620 for the Northern Lake County Lake Michigan Water Planning Group's (NLCLMWPG) activities occurring May 1, 2019 through April 30, 2020.
Staff Summary
* NLCLMWPG was established by the County, Lake Villa, and Lindenhurst to plan and coordinate efforts to extend Lake Michigan water to northern Lake County.
* The group meets monthly to discuss items associated with the Central Lake County Joint Action Water Agency (CLCJAWA) water system extension project and Special Service Area Number 16.
* The County serves as the repository and executor of the group's funds and financial transactions.
* On March 21, 2019, the NLCLMWPG approved an annual budget of $52,500 for May 1, 2019 through April 30, 2020 consistent with previous year budgets. The budget is not appropriated as part of the county's normal budget cycle; therefore, an emergency appropriation is required.
* This resolution authorizes an emergency appropriation in the amount of $52,500 within the Public Works fund 620 for the NLCLMWPG for May 1, 2019 through April 30, 2020 activities.
WHEREAS, the Northern Lake County Lake Michigan Water Planning Group (NLCLMWPG) is a consortium comprised of the County, Lake Villa, and Lindenhurst; and
WHEREAS, this consortium was established as a planning group for the purposeful intent to provide Lake Michigan water to its various communities; and
WHEREAS, each community has contributed initial monies totaling $238,360 to fund all planning activities associated with executing the group's purpose; and
WHEREAS, the Lake County Public Works department serves as the repository and executor of the group's funds and financial transactions; and
WHEREAS, the NLCLMWPG group approves its annual budget in alignment with the municipal budget cycle from May through April, and has approved its 2019-20 budget in ...
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