Resolution authorizing a contract with Graphic Partners, Zion, IL, for printing services in the estimated amount of $51,482 for one (1) year with renewal options.
Staff Summary
§ Bids were called for by publication for printing services, consisting of business cards, letterhead and various size envelopes for Lake County departments.
§ Bid requests were sent to 30 potential suppliers and bids were received from 4 vendors.
§ The other bids received ranged from $72,832 to $84,694.
§ Graphic Partners, Zion, IL, is the lowest responsive and responsible bidder in the estimated amount of $51,482 for one (1) year with renewal options.
§ This contract will be charged to various accounts.
WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 4-102 of the Lake County Purchasing Ordinance, bids were called for by publication for Logo Printing for various Lake County Departments; and
WHEREAS, The Logo Printing services include the printing of letterhead, various size envelopes and business cards; and
WHEREAS, Invitations for bid were extended to thirty (30) vendors; and
WHEREAS, sealed bids were received from four (4) vendors; and
WHEREAS, Graphic Partners, Zion, IL is the lowest, responsive and responsible bid in the estimated amount of $51,482; other bids received ranged from $72,832 to $84,694.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by this County Board of Lake County, Illinois, that the Purchasing Agent is hereby directed to enter into a contract with Graphic Partners, Zion, IL in the estimated amount of $51,482 for one (1) year with renewal options for Logo Printing services for Lake County departments charging the costs to various accounts.
DATED at Waukegan, Lake County Illinois, on this 14 day of July, A.D., 2009.