Joint resolution authorizing the execution of a contract with Transystems, Inc., Schaumburg, Illinois, at a maximum cost of services described of $467,815.40 for professional engineering services, utilizing $300,000 of CMAP funding to develop the 2040 long-range Lake County Transportation Priority Plan addressing county roadway, transit and non-motorized modes of travel.
Staff Summary
· 2040 Lake County Transportation Priority Plan: Consultant Agreement.
· The county’s current long-range transportation plan is for the year 2020 and a minimum 20-year time frame is needed for a transportation plan.
· This plan will involve the identification of deficiencies and provide recommendations of priority improvements to address future transportation needs of Lake County.
· Roadway, transit, and non-motorized modes of travel will be addressed.
· The CMAP federal funding agreement, for $300,000 was approved at the September 2009 County Board meeting.
· This resolution authorizes the execution of a professional services agreement with Transystems, Inc., Schaumburg, Illinois.
· This resolution also appropriates $515,000 of Matching Tax Funds and designated as Section 09-00000-19-ES.
WHEREAS, the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) is the staff to the Chicago urbanized region, federally mandated, metropolitan planning organization (MPO) and said MPO in cooperation with the Illinois Departmental of Transportation (IDOT) and the CMAP Board undertakes transportation planning studies utilizing federal transportation planning funds administered by IDOT; and
WHEREAS, the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) is nearing completion of its GO TO 2040 Comprehensive Regional Plan including the transportation component; and
WHEREAS, the CMAP transportation component of the GO TO 2040 Comprehensive Regional Plan will provide guidance for some regional transportation issues, which now need to be addressed at the smaller sub-region...
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