Joint resolution approving an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) between Lake County and the Lake County Housing Authority (LCHA) for the completion of 24 CFR Part 58 Environmental Review Records (ERRs).
Staff Summary
• The LCHA completes projects and/or activities with federal financial assistance subject to U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) regulations at 24 CFR Part 58.
• Public housing authorities do not meet the definition of a Responsible Entity (RE) under 24 CFR Part 58 and are unable to complete ERRs.
• Lake County, as a unit of general local government, is a RE and authorized to perform ERRs on behalf of LCHA.
• The attached IGA defines the terms and conditions for the completion of LCHA ERRs.
WHEREAS, the LCHA completes projects and/or activities with federal financial assistance requiring the completion of an ERR; and
WHEREAS, the LCHA does not meet the definition of a RE and cannot complete ERRs; and
WHEREAS, Lake County does meet the definition of a RE and the LCHA has asked Lake County to complete ERRs on their behalf; and
WHEREAS, Lake County agrees to complete ERRs subject to the term and conditions detailed in attached IGA; and
WHEREAS, the LCHA will compensate Lake County for all ERR related costs; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by this County Board of Lake County, Illinois, that that the Intergovernmental Agreement with the Lake County Housing Authority is hereby approved; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Board Chair is authorized to execute the agreement.
DATED at Waukegan, Illinois on October 11, 2022.