Ordinance amending the Lake County Unified Development Ordinance (UDO).
Staff Summary
· Following an initial review by the Planning, Building and Zoning Committee, on July 9, 2013 the County Board directed the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) to conduct a hearing on amendments to the UDO.
· The proposed amendments to the UDO would classify Assembly Uses with 10,000 square-feet or less of assembly space as delegated conditional uses in Residential Zones and to impose additional standards for such uses in residential areas.
· Upon their reviews on August 27 and September 12, respectively, both the Regional Planning Commission (RPC) and ZBA unanimously recommended approval of the amendments per the attached Exhibit A.
WHEREAS, the Lake County Board adopted the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) on April 11, 2000; and
WHEREAS, the UDO regulations as they are being implemented require a periodic review, and revisions may be necessary to these regulations; and
WHEREAS, the Planning, Building and Development Department has determined the regulation of assembly uses containing 10,000 square feet or less of assembly space in residential zones is currently insufficient to mitigate potential land use impacts of such uses on surrounding residential property; and
WHEREAS, the Planning, Building and Development Department has determined additional standards are needed to mitigate potential land use impacts of Government and Religious Institution Uses in residential areas; and
WHEREAS, the Regional Planning Commission, after reviewing the text amendments recommends by a vote of 10-0 that the proposed text amendments be approved as specified in Exhibit A; and
WHEREAS, a public hearing has been held by the Lake County Zoning Board of Appeals pursuant to the Statutes of the State of Illinois on the petition of the County of Lake, which seeks to amend the text of the Lake County Unified Development Ordinance; and
WHEREAS, your Zoning Board of Appeals, af...
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