Resolution approving the 2014 Lake County State and Federal Legislative Program.
Staff Summary
· Annually, the County develops a list of priority projects that are submitted to State and Federal legislators who represent Lake County.
· The County's 2014 Legislative Program seeks: reauthorization of the Workforce Investment Act (federal), greater utilization of incumbent worker training dollars (federal), authority to remove appointees, with cause, from boards, commissions and other special purpose districts, recovery of outstanding liens in demolishing dilapidated structures, recovering administrative adjudication costs, better coordination with the Department of Natural Resources or additional funding for public safety on the Fox Waterway.
· The County’s 2014 Legislative Program also supports: a change in the property tax code to calculate rates beyond 3 decimal points, and the Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity 5-Year Plan with active participation from Lake County Workforce Development and the Lake County Investment Board in the development of the plan.
WHEREAS, legislative proposals were solicited from elected officials and department heads; and
WHEREAS, your Revenue, Records and Legislation Committee has prepared a Lake County Legislative Program for the Federal Fiscal Year 2015 and State Fiscal Year 2014; and
WHEREAS, the Revenue, Records and Legislation Committee seeks your approval of the 2014 Lake County State and Federal Legislative Program.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by this County Board of Lake County, Illinois, that the 2014 Lake County State and Federal Legislative Program is hereby approved, a copy of which program is attached hereto and made part hereof; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this County Board does hereby approve and support those efforts necessary to draft, introduce, and support legislation designed to implement the objectives of this program, with those efforts to be executed by the County Adminis...
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