Committee action approving a minor modification to the Final Development Plan for the Elaine Frank Apachi Day Camp Planned Unit Development (PUD) to relocate the day care facility and to construct an associated playground for the day care.
Staff Summary
· The Final Development Plan for Elaine Frank Apachi Day Camp PUD was approved by the Lake County Board on February 8, 2005.
· The applicant has proposed an amendment to the approved Final Development Plan to relocate the day care facility from a one-story day care building into an addition to the existing activity building for day care classroom use.
· The space previously set aside for the day care building will be improved with a playground for preschool and toddler age groups.
· Staff has reviewed the proposed plan and recommends approval of the minor amendment as the proposal remains largely consistent with the Final Development Plan, would not result in adverse impacts to adjoining properties, and would allow JFMC Facilities Corporation to utilize an interior space that is vacant when the summer day camp is not in session.