Committee authorization to approve a developer donation for Eastgate Estates, in the Village of Long Grove in the amount of $180,330 under the Lake County Highway Access Ordinance.
Staff Summary
• Aptakisic Road, (IL Rte. 83 to Buffalo Grove Road): Developer Donation
• The development of Eastgate Estates warrants a left-turn lane for their access on the south side of Aptakisic Road within the Village of Long Grove.
• The LCDOT has a programmed project to widen and reconstruct Aptakisic Road from IL Rte. 83 to Buffalo Grove Road which includes the section of Aptakisic Road warranting the turn lane for Eastgate Estates development.
• It is recommended that said turn-lane be incorporated into the future LCDOT improvement and a developer donation in the amount of $180,330 be accepted.
In accordance with Sections 4.6.1B and 4.6.1C of the Lake County Highway Access Regulation Ordinance, the Public Works and Transportation Committee of the Lake County Board has the authority to accept money donated from any source for highway improvements.
Eastgate Estates within the Village of Long Grove warrants a left-turn lane upon Aptakisic Road for their access on the south side of Aptakisic Road. The Lake County Division of Transportation (LCDOT) has a programmed project to widen and reconstruct Aptakisic Road from IL Rte. 83 to Buffalo Grove Road which includes this section of Aptakisic Road warranting a left-turn lane. The turn-lane work will be done by the LCDOT as part of its project. The cost of the left-turn lane $180,330 is recommended to be accepted as a developer donation. The check in the amount of $180,330 shall be deposited with the Treasurer of Lake County into the funds to be utilized for the cost of the future LCDOT improvement to Aptakisic Road.