Joint resolution appropriating $200,000 of Motor Fuel Tax funds for the acquisition of necessary right-of-way, by agreement or condemnation, and other right-of-way costs associated with the improvements to the intersection of Stearns School Road at US Route 41.
Staff Summary
* The intersection of Stearns School Road at US Route 41 needs to be improved, inclusive of additional turn lanes.
* Preliminary engineering plans and right-of-way plats identifying the right-of-way needs for the improvement have been prepared and approved by the Illinois Department of Transportation.
* Lake County Division of Transportation funded Phase I and Phase II engineering and the Illinois Department of Transportation will lead and fund construction.
* This project is included in the Transportation Improvement Program with target construction in 2023, and designated as Section 16-00222-02-CH.
WHEREAS, Stearns School Road, County Highway 74, is a designated route on the County highway system; and
WHEREAS, Lake County believes it would be beneficial to the safety and welfare of the traveling public if the intersection of Stearns School Road at US Route 41 could be improved, inclusive of additional turn lanes; and
WHEREAS, Lake County, by and through its Division of Transportation, has cause to be prepared preliminary plans and right-of-way plats identifying right-of-way needs for the improvement; and
WHEREAS, property appraisals have been prepared and associated right-of-way costs have been estimated; and
WHEREAS, an appropriation of funds is required.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by this Lake County Board:
SECTION 1: It is hereby determined that it is necessary, and desirable, that Lake County acquire title to, and possession of, all of the real property within the proposed new right-of-way lines, and any reasonable modifications to the right-of-way lines along Stearns School Road at US Route 41, together with construction and ...
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