County Health Rankings Report
Staff Summary
• Irene Pierce will provide the Committee with an overview of the Mobilizing Action Toward Community Health (“MATCH”) report, more commonly referred to as the County Health Rankings report.
• The report was released by the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and is a collection of 50 reports that reflect overall health of counties in every state across the country.
Irene Pierce will provide the Committee with an overview of the Mobilizing Action Toward Community Health (“MATCH”) report, more commonly referred to as the County Health Rankings report. The report was released by the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and is a collection of 50 reports that reflect the overall health of counties in every state across the country.
In the measure of Health Outcomes (how healthy a county is), Lake County ranks tenth out of 101 counties reporting. In the measure of Health Factors (what influences the health of a county) Lake County ranks third out of 101.
While this is a ranking of health and not of health departments, the study provides the public health system with a snapshot of the health of our community. Rankings are familiar tools in public health. The health of a community depends on multiple factors - ranging from the quality of health care, to individual behavior, to education and jobs, to the environment.
Health is everyone’s responsibility. People from public health and health care, business, education, and government sectors must recognize what factors beyond medical care influence the health of their community so they can work together to create programs and policies to help people lead healthier lives.