Committee action to review and approve the revised project application and the prioritized ranking scoring system for the County's Brownfield Program, and to authorize staff to distribute the notice of the availability of funds to the various municipalities and townships.
Staff Summary
· Review the revised Brownfield Grant Application and scoring system, direct staff to make any changes, authorize staff to send the notice of Brownfield Grants to townships, cities, and villages.
· The County Board allocated $200,000 to the County's Brownfield Grant Program for FY 2010.
· As directed by the HCS Committee staff has revised the Brownfield Grant application to request more detailed information to assist the Committee and the County Board in awarding grants.
· The revised form includes a point structure to provide a numeric score for each project submitted for grant consideration.
· The point score is intended to be one factor, but not the only factor, considered by the Committee and County Board in awarding a grant.
· HCS is requested to review the form and direct staff to make any changes and authorize staff to send the notice announcing the availability of Brownfield Grant funds to townships, cities, and villages.