Ordinance amending the SWALCO Intergovernmental Agreement and the agency by-laws.
Staff Summary
· As SWALCO members all member agencies should have received a sample ordinance for amending the SWALCO Intergovernmental Agreement and the Agency By-laws. The SWALCO Agreement was last amended in 1997.
· The current Agreement requires that directors and alternate directors either be the: 1) mayor or president of the member, 2) a trustee, councilperson or alderman of the member, or 3) the chief administrative officer (city or village manager) of the member. It can be difficult to achieve quorums for Board of Director meetings.
· A special subcommittee was formed in July 2009 to investigate this issue and to develop language to address it. The ordinance Lake County is being asked to approve contains the recommended changes to address this issue. From a practical standpoint this allows public works directors, assistant village managers and other executive level personnel to be appointed to SWALCO as alternate directors.
· The special subcommittee also recommended that the composition of the Executive Committee be amended to: 1) Lake County becomes a permanent member of the Executive Committee, 2) all members with 30,000 or more residents will be eligible to run for 2 other seats on the Executive Committee, 3) the other six seats will be eligible for all others not selected under points 1 and 2 above, and 4) all seats will be opened up on the Executive Committee (except for Lake County’s permanent seat).
· All SWALCO members of good standing must approve an ordinance with the changes in order for the Agreement to be amended. If the members do not approve the amendment, the original language in the Agreement will be enforced and approximately 20 appointees to SWALCO will have to be removed as directors and/or alternates. New appointees, meeting the qualifications of the Agreement, will have to be re-appointed to fill these vacancies.
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