Ordinance adopting the North Branch Chicago River Watershed Plan prepared by the Lake County Stormwater Management Commission (SMC) as an Amendment to the Lake County Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan.
Staff Summary
· Once adopted, the North Branch Chicago River Watershed Management Plan will become an amendment to the Lake County Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan adopted by county ordinance in 1990 and updated in 2002.
· The North Branch Chicago River watershed includes portions of fourteen (14) municipalities, seven (7) townships, eight (8) county board districts and four (4) drainage districts in Lake County.
· The Plan was developed to provide a “blueprint” for reducing flood damages, improving water quality and protecting natural resources in the watershed. The Plan assists private citizens and local, State, and Federal governments to better manage the water resources of this watershed in a cost-effective and environmentally sound manner.
· The Plan was developed through a cooperative effort between the Lake County Stormwater Management Commission and representatives of North Branch watershed stakeholders. Numerous entities, ranging from homeowner’s associations to municipal governments and county agencies, attended regular meetings and provided input during the planning process.
· The required public hearing and 60-day comment period for the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning, adjoining counties and the general public has been met.
· The Lake County Stormwater Management Commission unanimously approved the North Branch Chicago Watershed Plan on September 4, 2008.
Whereas, the County Board of Lake County adopted the Lake County Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan on June 11, 1990, and said plan recommended the development of comprehensive watershed management plans for each of Lake County’s twenty-six subwatersheds; and
Whereas, the Lake County Comprehensive Stormwate...
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