Joint resolution authorizing a contract with SHI International Corp. (SHI), Somerset, New Jersey, for the purchase of Lake County PASSAGE network equipment in the amount of $166,620.76 and appropriating $200,000 of 1/4% Sales Tax for Transportation funds.
Staff Summary
* Lake County PASSAGE network equipment is housed in communication cabinets throughout Lake County and is 11 to 20 years old and at the end of life without manufacturer support.
* The contract with SHI includes the purchase of 19 network switches, six field rated firewalls, 21 power distribution units, associated power supplies, network cables, and communication modules.
* Lake County Division of Transportation (LCDOT) identified a cooperative purchasing contract with SHI, through Sourcewell to procure the required equipment that was competitively solicited and awarded.
* Pursuant to Chapter 33.115 of the Lake County Purchasing Ordinance, Cooperative Joint Purchasing Authorized, Lake County may participate in a cooperative purchasing agreement for the procurement of goods with one or more public procurement units in accordance with an agreement entered between LCDOT and SHI.
* The contract and associated appropriation include funds for materials for the network equipment to be installed by LCDOT contractors and staff and is included in the Transportation Improvement Program, and designated as Section 24-00268-28-TL.
WHEREAS, Lake County, by and through its Division of Transportation (LCDOT), maintains and operates Lake County PASSAGE; and
WHEREAS, the existing Lake County PASSAGE field network equipment is 11 to 20 years old and has reached its end of life and is no longer supported by the manufacturer, putting it at risk of additional hardware failures; and
WHEREAS, SHI International Corp. (SHI), Somerset, New Jersey, will be utilized to purchase network switches, field rated firewalls, power distribution units, associated power supplies, network cables, and communica...
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