Ordinance amending the Rate Ordinance for the use and service of certain waterworks and sewerage systems of the County of Lake.
Staff Summary
· The Rate Ordinance establishes all water and sewer user rates and connection fees for the County's water and sewer systems.
· The ordinance is revised periodically to modify rates and fees, as necessary.
· This proposed ordinance modifies section 1(e) to include the Northwest Regional Sewer System "Excess Flow Surcharge", which covers the cost of the lagoon improvements at the Round Lake Sanitary District site.
· The proposed surcharge is $1.50 per month per residential customer equivalent, effective January 1, 2014.
· In addition, modifications to section 5(e) reflect the revised meter charges based on the costs of the new AMR meters.
· The charges for 2-inch, 4-inch and 6-inch meters have all been reduced to reflect lower cost meters, and all other meter charges remain the same.