Joint resolution authorizing the Assumption Resolution supporting the Dissolution of Lakes Region Sanitary District as agreed in the 2019 Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) between Lake County and Lakes Region Sanitary District (LRSD) to merge operations leading to the District's dissolvement.
Staff Summary
* The "Restated and Amended" Intergovernmental Agreement codified the implementation for the County to assume ownership and operation of the District's systems and allow for the dissolvement of the District.
* The County assumed operations in June 2019, since that time, the District disposed of its remaining property and resolved its remaining debt obligation by eliminating an estimated $1.2 million dollar per year tax levy on approximately 11,000 parcels.
* Having resolved the District's final debt obligations, the LRSD passed the "Dissolution Resolution" directing all "Pre-Closing Activities" and "Closing Activities" be undertaken as defined in the Intergovernmental Agreement to fully effectuate Closing at a "Final Closing Date" at its August 10, 2022 meeting.
* This resolution is intended to serve as the formal legislative action of the County Board pursuant to 70ILCS 2805/33.1 to acquire all the assets and responsibilities of the District upon its dissolution and to exercise the statutory powers of the District at the "Final Closing Date."
WHEREAS, the County of Lake (County) has sought to consolidate and streamline units of local government, where feasible and in the best interests of the people of Lake County; and
WHEREAS, in June 2019, a "Restated and Amended" Intergovernmental Agreement was codified as 70ILCS 2805/33.1 and provided for the County to assume ownership and operation of the Lakes Region Sanitary District's systems and allow for the dissolvement of the District; and
WHEREAS, the District has resolved its final debt obligations and passed the "Dissolution Resolution" to fully effectuate Closing at a "Final Closi...
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