Joint resolution appointing members to the Solid Waste Agency of Lake County Recycling Task Force to address the goal of reaching a sixty percent (60%) recycling rate by 2020.
Staff Summary
· Lake County adopted the Solid Waste Management Plan Update (SWM Plan) on April 13, 2010.
· The SWM Plan included the convening of a task force to investigate, evaluate and develop recommendations on how SWALCO and Lake County can realistically achieve a recycling rate of 60% by 2020.
· This resolution appoints 26 members to the task force with terms ending at the completion of the report to SWALCO and the Lake County Board or by December 31, 2010.
WHEREAS, Lake County, Illinois is responsible for the adoption of a Solid Waste Plan for Lake County and for an update every five years thereafter, pursuant to the Solid Waste Planning and Recycling Act; and
WHEREAS, Lake County has adopted the first such plan in the State of Illinois on September 12, 1989; and
WHEREAS Lake County has adopted subsequent 5 year updates in 1994, 1999, 2004 and 2010; and
WHEREAS Lake County has delegated the responsibility for creation of the Solid Waste Management Plan and the respective updates, to the Solid Waste Agency of Lake County, Illinois; and
WHEREAS the Solid Waste Agency of Lake County, Illinois has been created to implement the Lake County Solid Waste Plan, and
WHEREAS Recommendation R.3 of the Lake County Solid Waste Management Plan, as updated and approved on April 13, 2010, calls for the convening of a task force by July 1, 2010 to investigate, evaluate and develop recommendations on how SWALCO and Lake County can realistically achieve a recycling rate of 60% by 2020; and
WHEREAS Lake County, Illinois and the Solid Waste Agency of Lake County, Illinois recognize the difficulty of achieving a 60% recycling rate; and
WHEREAS the 60% recycling rate may only be attainable through the joint cooperation of government, private solid waste entities, and the publi...
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