Resolution authorizing the appointment of Melissa Gallagher as Chief Financial Officer/Finance Director.
WHEREAS, Melissa Gallagher joined Lake County in 2021 as the Deputy Finance Director and in that role, oversaw all accounting and financial reporting functions of the Lake County Finance Department, including the completion of the annual audit; and
WHEREAS, Ms. Gallagher was named the Interim Chief Financial Officer/Finance Director on January 2, 2024, and has served in that role since that date; and
WHEREAS, prior to joining Lake County, Ms. Gallagher served as Finance Director of the City of Rolling Meadows for ten years, and served in the capacity of Interim City Manager of the City in 2021; and
WHEREAS, Ms. Gallagher served on the Executive Board of the Illinois Government Finance Officers Association (IGFOA) and as its president, along with serving as the Chairperson of the IGFOA Technical Accounting Review Committee; and
WHEREAS, Ms. Gallagher has a Master’s Degree in Accounting and Financial Management; and
WHEREAS, due to her exemplary performance in the interim role and as Deputy Finance Director; her proven financial leadership; and her expertise in the financial field, government accounting, and Lake County operations, the County Administrator hereby recommends the appointment of Ms. Gallagher as the Chief Financial Officer/Finance Director for Lake County.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by this County Board of Lake County, Illinois, that Ms. Melissa Gallagher be appointed Chief Financial Officer/Finance Director at an annual salary of $192,708, with other terms and conditions of employment as outlined in the Letter of Acceptance (attached hereto and made a part hereof); and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that said appointment shall take effect on June 11, 2024.
DATED, at Waukegan, Lake County, Illinois, on June 11, 2024.