Ordinance amending Chapter 111, Alcohol Regulations, of the Lake County Code of Ordinances.
Staff Summary
• The Lake County Board adopted the Lake County Liquor Control Ordinance for unincorporated Lake County on February 14, 1984.
• The Lake County Liquor Control Commissioner recommends an increase in the number of licenses from 119 to 118.
WHEREAS, the Lake County Board adopted the Lake County Liquor Control Ordinance for unincorporated Lake County on February 14, 1984; and
WHEREAS, it is to the benefit of the people of Lake County for the Liquor Commission to limit the number of liquor licenses in unincorporated Lake County; and
WHEREAS, the Lake County Liquor Control Commissioner has recommended increasing the number of liquor licenses from 119 to 118.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, by this County Board of Lake County, Illinois, that amendments to the Lake County Liquor Control Ordinance as attached in
Exhibit A” be adopted and authorize the creation of the Liquor Control Commission and appointments therein, effective immediately.
DATED, at Waukegan, Lake County, Illinois, on July 9, 2019.