Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Meade Electric Company, Inc., McCook, Illinois, in the amount of $187,541.13, for the 2012 traffic signal equipment project to install Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) at various signalized intersections and PASSAGE communication hubs, and designated as Section 12-00000-10-GM.
Staff Summary
· Traffic Signal Equipment Upgrade 2012: Contract Award.
· The County maintains 157 traffic signals and various pieces of equipment which annually need to be replaced and upgraded.
· The 2012 work concentrates on installing UPS units at PASSAGE communication cabinets and at traffic signals, along with retrofitting or replacing existing incandescent traffic signal heads with L.E.D. traffic signal heads.
· The added alternative bidding process was used for this letting.
· A total of three bids were received ranging from $187,541.13 to $205,953.20, and the lowest responsible bidder is Meade Electric Company, Inc., McCook, Illinois, with a contract amount of $187,541.13.
WHEREAS, pursuant to authority granted by this Lake County Board, the County Engineer heretofore called for sealed bids, by publication, to provide for the upgrading to LED traffic signals at the following intersections: Delany Road and Grove Road; Delany Road and Porett Drive; Delany Road and St Paul Avenue; Hunt Club Road and Dada Drive; Hunt Club Road and Grand Hunt Drive; and Hunt Club Road and Westbrook Lane/Walmart. This includes adding UPS units to the PASSAGE communication hubs located at the following intersections: Delany Road and Ryan Road; Green Bay Road and Laurel Avenue in Highland Park; Illinois, Route 131 and Washington Street; IL Route 43 and IL Route 137; IL Route 21 and IL Route 60; IL Route 22 and IL Route 83; IL 83 and Lake Cook Road; Lewis Avenue and Sunset Avenue/Golf Road; Rollins Road and Drury Lane; US Route 12 and IL Route 22; US Route 12 and Lake Cook Road; US Route 41 and IL Route 22; US Route 45 and IL...
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