Joint resolution authorizing the Lake County Division of Transportation to pay Pace for the ride coupons it collects from users of the Lake County Northwest Demonstration Project, who are not able to physically handle cash and to bill the four cooperating townships for the cost of said coupons. This resolution also appropriates $4,000 of Sales Tax funds to provide this financial function of this grant demonstration project and designated as Section 09-00280-01-ES.
Staff Summary
• Lake County Northwest Demonstration Project: Accommodating Coupon Users
• The Lake County Board initiated the LCDOT’s participation, as the project administrator and financial agent, for the multi-agency, federal grant funded, paratransit demonstration project in northwest Lake County in November of 2009.
• The Lake County Coordinated Transportation Services Committee (LCCTSC) is serving as the steering committee advisor for operational issues.
• An unanticipated operational issue is how to handle the user fee payment for rides by a small number of potential customers who are not able to physically handle cash. This needs to be solved immediately as service is starting approximately January 11, 2010.
• The financial agreement in place is only between Pace and Lake County with Pace billing Lake County for the local share of the federal grant. Pace does not have the capability to bill the townships directly under the grant.
• The solution, developed amongst the parties, is to use special ride coupons, sold by the participating townships, collected by Pace, with Pace billing LCDOT for the collected coupons and, in turn, LCDOT billing the participating townships for the coupons used.
• The number of persons using coupons is expected to be small and the Lake County/participating Township “agreement” is by Letter of Concurrence.
• This resolution endorses this financial solution and provides the pass thru funding for the LCDOT financial obligation.
WHEREAS, this County Board of Lake County, Illinois, by prior resolution at its meeting of November 10, 2009, adopted a resolution authorizing the executions of two agreements between Lake County and Pace Suburban Bus Division of the Regional Transportation Authority for the expansion of paratransit service in northwest Lake County; and
WHEREAS, Lake County by prior resolution at its meeting of November 10, 2009, adopted a resolution authorizing the execution of an agreement for the receipt of federal “New Freedom” grant funds, over 2 years, administered by the Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) to provide partial funding for the expansion of paratransit services to meet the needs of the mobility challenged constituent population in northwest Lake County; and
WHEREAS, the 2-year pilot project entitled the “Lake County Northwest Demonstration Project” involves the participation of the four townships of Antioch, Avon, Grant and Lake Villa Townships and cooperation of the Lake County Lake County Coordinated Transportation Services Committee (LCCTSC); and
WHEREAS, it has been determined that there will be a small number of users of the said 2-year pilot project who are unable to physically handle cash necessary for the payment of the user fee cost of their rides in the Lake County Northwest Demonstration Project; and
WHEREAS, the parties involved in the Lake County Northwest Demonstration Project have devised a “coupon payment” system as described in the example letter of concurrence contained in Exhibit A hereto.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by this County Board of Lake County, that the Lake County Division of Transportation is authorized to pay Pace for the “ride coupons” Pace collects from designated users of the Lake County Northwest Demonstration Project in general conformance with the draft letter of concurrence contained in Exhibit A.
BE IT RESOLVED that there is hereby appropriated $4,000 Sales Tax funds necessary for the implementation of the “ride coupon” solution to the need to enable customers who are unable to physically handle cash necessary for the payment of the user fee cost of their rides in the Lake County Northwest Demonstration Project and designated as Section 09-00280-01-ES.
Dated at Waukegan, Illinois, on this 12th day of January A.D., 2010