Joint resolution authorizing the execution of an intergovernmental agreement regarding the Diamond Lake Diversion Phase 2 Project and an agreement for retail sanitary sewer service with the Village of Mundelein.
Staff Summary
· As part of the County's long-term infrastructure improvements program the Diamond Lake Diversion Phase 2 Project requires construction of a major pump station and force main within the municipal jurisdiction of the Village of Mundelein.
· The pump station is contemplated to be located on Lot 5 on Hilgers Court with appurtenances along the right-of-way and will be constructed, operated and maintained by the County.
· The pump station has been sized to accommodate all sanitary sewage flows to be diverted from the Diamond/Sylvan Lake Water Reclamation Facility in addition to providing service to a proposed Village Service Area.
· The Village Service Area includes continued service to 35.91 acres and additional service to 19.88 acres for a total of 55.79 acres.
· The Agreement for retail sanitary sewer service provides for limits of 569.5 PE for the currently connected 35.91 acres and 298 PE for the additional undeveloped 19.88 acres.
· This resolution authorizes the execution of an intergovernmental agreement and an agreement for retail sanitary sewer service with the Village of Mundelein that advances a regional pollution control facility and provides environmental and pollution control benefits for both the Village and the County now and in the future.
WHEREAS, the County of Lake (County) owns and operates wastewater treatment facilities in the Southeast Central Lake Facilities Planning Area (SECFPA); and
WHEREAS, the County is proposing modifications and revisions to these wastewater facilities, which include the Diamond Lake Diversion Phase 2 Project that includes construction of a sanitary sewer interceptor and force main and lift station improvements; and
WHEREAS, a portion of the improvements will be constructed within the corporate jurisdiction of the Village of Mundelein (Village), including a portion of which will be constructed within the Hilgers Court right-of-way and on Lot 5 in Woodhill Subdivision; and
WHEREAS, the County has obtained an easement from the owner of Lot 5 to construct, maintain and operate a portion of the force main and the lift station; and
WHEREAS, the County currently provides retail sanitary sewer service to certain properties within the Village of Mundelein; and
WHEREAS, the County and Village wish to expand and define the areas in which the County will provide retail sewer service to properties within the Village; and
WHEREAS, the County and the Village agree to enter into a Retail Sanitary Service Agreement to establish the service areas and the terms and requirements by which retail sanitary sewer service will be provided; and
WHEREAS, execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement and Retail Sanitary Sewer Agreement must be authorized by Resolution of this County Board; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by this County Board of Lake County, Illinois that the Chair of the County Board and the Clerk of said County be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute the Intergovernmental Agreement Regarding The Diamond Lake Diversion Phase 2 Project and an Agreement for Retail Sanitary Sewer Service between the Village of Mundelein and the County of Lake in substantially the form attached.
DATED at WAUKEGAN, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, on this 14th day of June, 2011.