Joint resolution authorizing execution of a contract with Great Lakes Water Resources Group, Inc. of Joliet, Illinois in the amount of $399,517 for the Oak Terrace Water System New Water Supply Well Drilling and Testing Project.
Staff Summary
• There is a need to add a new well to support the consolidation efforts for the Oak Terrace and West Oak Middle water systems.
• In January of 2021, the County Board awarded a contract for the Oak Terrace Water System Test Well Drilling Project. The 2021 test well was determined to be unproductive during the drilling and testing process as it did not meet LCPW’s requirements and therefore an additional test well is needed.
• The County received bids from two (2) contractors for the work to drill the test well in the amount of $399,517 and $503,377.
• Award of this contract is recommended to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, Great Lakes Water Resources, Inc., Joliet, Illinois in the amount of $399,517.
• This resolution authorizes and directs the County Purchasing Agent to execute a contract with Great Lakes Water Resources, Inc. of Joliet, Illinois in the amount of $399,517.
WHEREAS, the County of Lake (County) owns, operates and maintains the Oak Terrace and West Oak Middle School Water System in Unincorporated Mundelein; and
WHEREAS; A second test well for the combined water system must be drilled to determine whether the proposed location and aquifer is productive enough to meet the demand of the school and the residents; and
WHEREAS, in accordance with the Lake County Purchasing Ordinance, bids were called for by publication for the Oak Terrace Water System New Water Supply Well Drilling and Testing Project; and
WHEREAS, Great Lakes Water Resources Group, Inc., is the lowest responsive, responsible bidder in the amount of $399,517.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by this County Board of Lake County, Illinois, that the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized and directed to execute a contract with Great Lakes Water Resources Group, Inc., Joliet, Illinois in the amount of $399,517 for the Oak Terrace Water System Test Well Drilling Project.
DATED at WAUKEGAN, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, on this 12th day of April, A.D., 2022.