Lake County, IL
File #: 09-2207    Version: 1 Name: Court Emergency Appropriation
Type: resolution Status: Passed
File created: 11/20/2009 In control: Law & Judicial Committee
On agenda: Final action: 12/8/2009
Title: Joint resolution authorizing emergency appropriations that total $128,612 in the court administration, probation, and juvenile detention expense budgets and corresponding increases in the revenue budgets.


Joint resolution authorizing emergency appropriations that total $128,612 in the court administration, probation, and juvenile detention expense budgets and corresponding increases in the revenue budgets.


Staff Summary

                     In July of 2009, the Administrative Office of the Illinois Court (AOIC) informed Lake County that the annual allocation for reimbursement of probation officers was being reduced by $2.4 million.  In response, the Nineteenth Judicial Circuit had to aggressively cut expenses and eliminate programs for the FY2010 Lake County Budget.

                     The 2010 budget adopted last month was based on the dramatically reduced probation reimbursement allocation of $1.8 million from the AOIC.

                     Lake County along with the other members of Metro Counties lobbied the State Legislature and the Governor’s Office for the probation reimbursement funding to be restored and the AOIC subsequently increased Lake County’s allocation by almost $1.1 million to $2.9 million.   Though, this still represents a 31% reduction from the 2009 allocation.

                     The Nineteenth Judicial Circuit would like to restore two programs that had been eliminated due to the original funding shortfall:  the career path program and the dues line item that pays for employee memberships in professional organizations.

                     This resolution authorizes emergency appropriations that total $128,612 to restore these programs, with offsetting increases in revenue from the revised AOIC allocation.



WHEREAS, the Lake County Board adopted the 2010 budget based on the county’s original probation reimbursement allocation of $1,839,157 from the Administrative Office of Illinois Courts; and


WHEREAS, the Administrative Office of Illinois Courts subsequently increased Lake County’s allocation by $1,097,718 to $2,936,875; and


WHEREAS, the Nineteenth Judicial Circuit made numerous reductions in the 2010 budget based on the original allocation, including the elimination of its career path program and the elimination of the dues line item for memberships in professional organizations; and


WHEREAS, the Nineteenth Judicial Circuit would like to restore funding for these two items in the court administration, probation, and Hulse juvenile detention budgets with offsetting revenue from the increased probation reimbursement allocation.


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by this County Board of Lake County, Illinois, that the following emergency appropriations that total $128,612 in the court administration, probation, and Hulse juvenile detention budgets are hereby approved:


Court Administration: $17,845 in 101-3200010-51110 and $10,000 in 101-3200010-71810


Probation: $66,575 in 101-3200020-51110 and $1,200 in 101-3200020-71810


Hulse Juvenile Detention:  $28,875 in 216-3240010-51110, $2,717 in 216-3240020-51110 and $1,400 in 216-3240010-71810; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the revenue budget is also increased in the following accounts:


General Fund:  $     95,620 in 101-3200010-45280


Hulse Juvenile Detention:  $     32,992 in 216-3240010-45280.


DATED, at Waukegan, Lake County, Illinois, on this 8th day of December, A.D., 2009.