Resolution authorizing the acceptance of an annual Illinois Emergency Management Assistance Grant program agreement in an amount not to exceed $165,651.64, from the Illinois Emergency Management Agency to the Lake County Emergency Management Agency for the purpose of providing financial assistance to develop and maintain an effective, integrated emergency management organization in Lake County.
Staff Summary
• Lake County has applied for and been awarded an annual allocation from the Illinois Emergency Management Agency on behalf of the Lake County Emergency Management Agency.
• This funding supports the County in developing and maintaining an effective integrated Emergency Management Agency in order to perform administrative activities and prepare for technological and natural emergencies or disasters in accordance with Federal and State laws.
• This funding provides for quarterly reimbursement of up to 50% of allowable program costs for the Lake County Emergency Management Agency.
• The actual amount of funding is dependent on both the county’s expenditures and the availability of federal funds to the Illinois Emergency Management Agency.
• Lake County spends more than $330,000 in emergency management program and the maximum funding available to Lake County through this grant is $165,651.64 for program activities between October 1, 2008, and September 30, 2009.
WHEREAS, Lake County on behalf of the Lake County Emergency Management Agency has applied for and will be awarded up to $165,651.64 in an Illinois Emergency Management Assistance (EMA) Grant which provides grant monies to local governments to provide financial assistance to develop and maintain an effective, integrated emergency management organization; and
WHEREAS, Lake County is entitled to reimbursement of eligible emergency management program costs not greater than 50% of all necessary and essential emergency management related expenses; and
WHEREAS, Lake County, through the County Administrators Office, does indeed maintain an Emergency Management Agency in accordance with Federal and State laws and regulations; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by this County Board of Lake County, Illinois, that the acceptance and execution of the Illinois Emergency Management Assistance (EMA) Grant from the State of Illinois to the County Administrator’s Office Emergency Management Agency is hereby authorized.
DATED, at WAUKEGAN, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, on this 14th day of October, A.D., 2008.