Joint Resolution authorizing the State's Attorney of Lake County to institute legal action against certain named properties for the demolition of dangerous and unsafe or uncompleted and abandoned structures on said properties.
Staff Summary
CDH 22-08
Section 11, Township 46 North, Range 9, PIN 01-11-310-015, commonly known as 42326 N. Willow Street, Antioch, IL (an unsafe, dilapidated boathouse.)
EAB 24-08
Section 18, Township 45 North, Range 10, PIN 06-18-112-007, commonly known as 24779 W. Clinton Avenue, Round Lake, IL (an unsafe, fire-damaged residential structure.)
KLR 27-08
Section 14, Township 45 North, Range 9, PIN 05-14-309-001, commonly known as 6901 W. Longwood Drive, Ingleside, IL (a dangerous, unsafe, vacant and open residential structure.)
RDS 108-07
Section 10, Township 43 North, Range 9, PIN 13-10-101-037, commonly known as 4719 N. River Shore Drive, Cary, IL (a dilapidated, partially collapsing residential structure.)
GT 31-05
Section 21, Township 46 North, Range 10, PIN 02-21-208-019, commonly known as 22020 W. Spruce Drive, Antioch, IL (an unsafe, dilapidated residential structure with hole(s) in roof.)
WHEREAS, pursuant to 55 ILCS 5/5-1121, the County Board was given and has authority to demolish, repair, or cause the demolition or repair of dangerous and unsafe or uncompleted and abandoned buildings within the territory of the county outside any city, village or incorporated town upon application to the Circuit Court for an order authorizing such action.
The structures on the following described premises are dangerous and unsafe or
uncompleted and abandoned and constitute an actual danger to the public health, safety and welfare:
CDH 22-08 Section 11, Township 46 North, Range 9, PIN 01-11-310-015, commonly
known as 42326 N. Willow St., Antioch, IL (an unsafe, dilapidated
EAB 24-08 Section 18, Township 45 North, Range 10, PIN 06-18-112-007, commonly known as 24779 W. Clinton Ave., Round Lake, IL (an
unsafe, fire-damaged residential structure.)
KLR 27-08 Section 14, Township 45 North, Range 9, PIN 05-14-309-001, commonly
known as 26901 W. Longwood Dr., Ingelside, IL (a dangerous, unsafe, vacant and open residential structure.)
RDS 108-07 Section 10, Township 43 North, Range 9, PIN 13-10-101-037, commonly
known as 24719 N. River Shore Dr., Cary, IL (a dilapidated, partially
collapsing residential structure.)
GT 31-05 Section 21, Township 46 North, Range 10, PIN 02-21-208-019, commonly
known as 22020 W. Spruce Dr., Antioch, IL (an unsafe, dilapidated residential structure with hole(s) in roof.)
That the above described premises are situated within the County of Lake, State of
Illinois, and are not within the corporate limits of any city, village or incorporated area.
The County Board hereby authorizes and requests the State's Attorney of Lake County, to immediately issue notice to all parties necessary, said notice and said parties as are prescribed by 55 ILCS 5/5-1121, to commence proceedings to put the structure(s) on the above described premises in a safe condition or to demolish the same.
The County Board does hereby authorize and request the State's Attorney of Lake
County, Illinois, to make application to the Circuit Court, pursuant to 55 ILCS 5/5-1121, to demolish or cause the demolition of the structures on the above described premises where after fifteen (15) days written notice by mail, and, where appropriate, by posting, those parties notified in accordance with the above mentioned statutory section have failed to commence proceedings to put such structure(s) in a safe condition or to demolish the same.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution become effective from the date of passage.
DATED AT WAUKEGAN, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS this 18th day of November, 2008.