Ordinance amending the Lake County Standards of Conduct.
Staff Summary
• Illinois Public Act 098-0779 authorizes a county board in a county with a population between 300,000 and 2,000,000 residents to, by ordinance, adopt a code of conduct regarding the fiscal responsibility and procurement authority, as required by State law, local ordinance, or county board policy.
• On November 11, 2014, the Lake County Board adopted the Lake County Standards of Conduct.
• In 2019, the Ethics and Oversight Committee reviewed the Lake County Standards of Conduct and identified ways to strengthen and clarify the language in the Standards of Conduct to increase transparency and identify specific measurable expectations of appointees to units for local government or agencies.
WHEREAS, the County Board of Lake County is the appointing authority for more than 70 local appointed units of government encompassing nearly 300 appointees; and
WHEREAS, the County Board Chairman has the authority to appoint individuals to serve on the governing bodies (such as boards and commissions) of various units of local government and agencies throughout Lake County, and the individuals appointed must be confirmed by the County Board; and
WHEREAS, Illinois Public Act 097-0084 (55 ILCS 5/5-1133(a)) authorizes a county board in a county with a population between 300,000 and 2,000,000 residents to, by ordinance, require any unit of local government or agency to which the county board chairman or county executive nominates and the county board confirms a majority member appointments to provide the county with detailed information; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to the 2010 Census, the population of Lake County is 703,462; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to Illinois Public Act 098-0779 (55 ILCS 5/5-1133(b)), counties may, by ordinance, adopt a code of conduct regarding the fiscal responsibility and procurement authority, as required by State law, local ordinance, or county board policy, as well as the accountability, transparency, and ethical conduct of county appointees, in addition to those requirements mandated by law for and applicable to the appointees to any unit of local government, agency, or commission for which the county board chairman, county executive, or county board serves as the appointing authority; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to Illinois Public Act 098-0779 (55 ILCS 5/5-1133(b)), counties may by ordinance provide for the removal of an appointee when it is established that an appointee has violated the code of conduct and reasonable notice and opportunity for a hearing have been provided; and
WHEREAS, Lake County adopted the Lake County Standards of Conduct at its November 11, 2014 meeting; and
WHEREAS, the Ethics and Oversight Committee has reviewed the Standards of Conduct and recommends amendments to the ordinance to strengthen and clarify the language in the Standards of Conduct to increase transparency and set clear and measurable expectations of appointees to units of local government or agencies.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the County Board of Lake County, Illinois that in substantial conformance with the attached “SOC - Clean 7.9.2019” be adopted and be made effective immediately; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, by this County Board of Lake County, Illinois that the recitals are hereby incorporated into this ordinance; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED by the County Board of Lake County, Illinois that the Ethics and Oversight Committee shall be responsible for the administration of the Lake County Standards of Conduct for appointed boards and commissions until a successor committee is established by the County Board in accordance with its Rules of Order and Operational Procedure; and
BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that this ordinance shall be filed with the County Clerk.
ADOPTED, in Waukegan, Lake County, Illinois, on July 9, 2019.