Joint resolution authorizing an amendment to the dimensions, but not the total area, of the real estate transfer at the intersection of Wilson Road and Rollins Road from Lake County to the Grant Township Road District previously approved by the County Board at its January 12, 2010 meeting.
Staff Summary
• Grant Township Road District: ROW Transfer Amendment
• The Grant Township Road District desires to improve Oak Lane where it makes a 90 degree jogged turn adjacent to County owned right-of-way.
• The amount of property needed for the improvement is approximately .04 acres of fee simple and 0.2 acres for a construction easement.
• The transfer is made at no cost, as provided by the Illinois Local Government Property Transfer Act which was approved at the January 12, 2010 county board meeting but was not executed.
• Prior to execution of the agreement, the township road district requested a change in the dimensions of the real estate to be transferred.
• The total area of land transfer remains the same.
WHEREAS, Lake County is the owner of certain real estate located in the southeast quadrant of, and in proximity to, the intersection of Wilson Road (County Highway 7) and Rollins Road (County Highway 31); and
WHEREAS, the Grant Township Road District has approved an Ordinance, a final copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit B, declaring that it is necessary and convenient for it to acquire certain property owned by the County of Lake; and
WHEREAS, the County Board at its meeting of January 12, 2010 approved said draft ordinance and plats of dedication; and
WHEREAS, it is necessary to revise the said draft plats of dedication, at the request of the Grant Township Road District, to reflect different dimensions but containing the same total area.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY this County Board of Lake County, Illinois, that the Chair of the County Board, the County Clerk, and the County Engineer on behalf of Lake County be authorized and they are hereby directed to execute whatever documents are necessary, and any subsequent amendments thereto, to effect such conveyance and transfer to the ROAD DISTRICT, at no cost to the ROAD DISTRICT, of the real estate depicted and described on EXHIBIT A attached hereto titled PLAT OF DEDICATION TO GRANT TOWNSHIP ROAD DISTRICT FOR PUBLIC ROAD PURPOSES dated April 1, 2010.
Dated at Waukegan, Illinois this 8th day of June A.D. 2010