Joint resolution authorizing the execution of Program Agreement No. 407107 with the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority and an emergency appropriation of $26,667 for the 19th Judicial Circuit “Community-Based Transitional Services for Female Offenders Program.”
Staff Summary
• The Administrative Office of the 19th Judicial Circuit’s program agreement with the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority for the "Community-Based Transitional Services for Female Offenders" program expires September 30, 2009. The Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority has prepared a new agreement to continue this program for the time period October 1, 2009, through September 30, 2010 with $20,000 in Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) funds and $6,667 in matching funds from the Probation Services Fee Fund.
• This program provides group counseling sessions to women probationers who have also been victims of trauma; 106 women have successfully completed this program since it began in 2004.
• The funding is the same as last year and will provide for two 10-week psycho-educational groups for about 30 women offenders.
• This resolution authorizes the execution of the new program agreement and an emergency appropriation of $26,667 to reflect the continued funding.
WHEREAS, the Administrative Office of the 19th Judicial Circuit’s program agreement with the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority for the "Community-Based Transitional Services for Female Offenders" program expires September 30, 2009; and
WHEREAS, the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority has prepared a new agreement to continue this program for the time period October 1, 2009, through September 30, 2010 with $20,000 in Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) funds and $6,667 in matching funds; and
WHEREAS, matching funds are available in the Probation Services Fee Fund 250; and
WHEREAS, the County Board must authorize the execution of a new program agreement and an emergency appropriation of $26,667 to reflect the new budget.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by this County Board of Lake County, Illinois, that Program Agreement No. 407107 with the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority and an emergency appropriation of $26,667 for the 19th Judicial Circuit “Community-Based Transitional Services for Female Offenders Program” for the time period October 1, 2009, through September 30, 2010 is hereby approved; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Board, the Administrative Office of the 19th Judicial Circuit, and the Lake County Treasurer are hereby authorized to execute the necessary documentation in order to accept the program agreement attached hereto and hereby made a part of this Resolution; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that an emergency appropriation with offsetting revenue is hereby authorized in the amount of $26,667 per the attached chart of accounts; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that an interfund transfer from account 250-3210010-79920 to account 101-3200045-49920 in the amount of $6,667 is also authorized.
DATED, at Waukegan, Lake County, Illinois, on this 8th day of September, A.D., 2009.