Joint resolution authorizing execution of an agreement for Professional Engineering Services with Rezek, Henry, Meisenheimer and Gende, Inc. for design of the Northeast Central Pump Station Upgrade Project.
Staff Summary
• The Northeast Central (NEC) Pump Station serves parts of unincorporated Avon and Warren Townships, as well as portions of the Villages of Grayslake, Hainesville, Gurnee and Third Lake.
• Projected increases to population served by the pump station were evaluated in 2003, and it was determined that an addition of a second parallel 24-inch force main would provide the required increase in station capacity to 24.60 MGD. This project is expected to be awarded later this year.
• In 2009 more recent growth projections and more importantly measured peak wet weather flows have indicated that the pump station capacity must be increased to 28 MGD which will require modification or replacement of the existing pumps and upgrade/replacement of the electrical and controls at the pump station.
• Based on staff evaluations, Rezek, Henry, Meisenheimer and Gende, Inc. of Libertyville, IL, is the most qualified engineering firm with a prior satisfactory working relationship with the County. A scope of services was negotiated for this project.
• Committee authorization is requested to execute an agreement for Professional Engineering Services with RHM & G, Inc. in the amount of $68,280 for the design and drawing preparation of the Northeast Central Pump Station Upgrade Project charging the cost thereof to Account No. 610-4822698-71170-48310.
WHEREAS, the County of Lake owns, operates and maintains sanitary sewer systems serving the Northeast Central Lake Facilities Planning Area; and
WHEREAS, a lift station upgrade is necessary to serve the increasing sewage flows from the upstream service area; and
WHEREAS, the Public Works Department has a prior satisfactory working relationship with Rezek, Henry, Meisenheimer and Gende, Inc. on pump station design and is the most qualified firm to provide professional engineering services for this project; and
WHEREAS, an Agreement has been negotiated with RHM & G, Inc. to provide the necessary engineering services; and
WHEREAS, execution of an Agreement for Professional Services must be authorized by Resolution of this County Board.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by this County Board of Lake County, Illinois, that the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized and directed to execute the attached Agreement for Professional Services with RHM & G, Libertyville, IL, in the amount of $68,280.00 for engineering services associated with the Northeast Central Pump Station Lift Station Upgrade Project and charging the costs thereof to Account Numbers 610-4822698-71170-48310.
DATED at WAUKEGAN, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, on this 16th day of June, A.D., 2009