Joint resolution authorizing an agreement with Civiltech Engineering, Inc., Itasca, Illinois, to provide Phase II professional engineering services for new traffic signal installations at the intersections of Sunset Avenue at Northern Avenue in Waukegan, and Deerfield Parkway at Barclay Boulevard in Buffalo Grove, at a maximum cost of $314,756.73 and appropriating $380,000 of Matching Tax funds.
Staff Summary
• The engineer will conduct a traffic signal warrant analysis to determine the scope of the improvements.
• Any traffic signal installations will also include ADA compliant curb ramps, pedestrian push buttons, sidewalk, and other related work.
• Lake County selects professional engineering firms in accordance with the Local Government Professional Services Selection Act, 50 ILCS 510/1 et. seq.
• The Lake County Division of Transportation’s (LCDOT) Consultant Selection Process has been approved by the Federal Highway Administration and the Illinois Department of Transportation, and the firm selected for this project was selected in accordance with this approved process.
• The selected firm has a satisfactory past relationship with LCDOT.
• This project is included in the Transportation Improvement Program, and designated as Section 22-00999-92-EG.
WHEREAS, Sunset Avenue, County Highway 46, and Deerfield Parkway, County Highway 11, are designated routes on the County highway system; and
WHEREAS, Lake County believes it would be beneficial to the safety and welfare of the traveling public if the intersections of Sunset Avenue at Northern Avenue, and Deerfield Parkway at Barclay Boulevard, could be improved by adding traffic signals; and
WHEREAS, Phase II professional engineering services are required for these improvements; and
WHEREAS, it is recommended that a consultant engineering firm be employed to provide these Phase II professional engineering services; and
WHEREAS, Lake County, by and through its Division of Transportation, has selected a professional engineering services firm in accordance with the Local Government Professional Services Selection Act, 50 ILCS 510/1 et. seq.; and
WHEREAS, Civiltech Engineering, Inc., Itasca, Illinois, are consulting engineers skilled in the provision of said Phase II professional engineering services; and
WHEREAS, an appropriation of funds is required.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by this Lake County Board, that the County Board Chair, the County Clerk, and the County Engineer of Lake County are authorized, and hereby directed to execute on behalf of Lake County, an agreement, and any amendments, between Lake County and Civiltech Engineering, Inc., Itasca, Illinois, at a maximum amount of $314,756.73, for Phase II professional engineering services for traffic signal installations at the intersections of Sunset Avenue at Northern Avenue in Waukegan, and Deerfield Parkway at Barclay Boulevard in Buffalo Grove, a draft copy of which is attached hereto.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Engineer shall transmit, in writing, the final agreement and any amendments, to be executed by the County Board Chair and the County Clerk.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that there is hereby appropriated $380,000 of the Matching Tax funds for these Phase II professional engineering services, and designated as Section 22-00999-92-EG.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this agreement be administered in accordance with Chapter 605, Act 5, Section 5-205.2 of the Illinois Compiled Statutes without further Board action, providing the final contract cost chargeable under the funds appropriated does not exceed the appropriation.
DATED at Waukegan, Illinois, on March 14, 2023.