Joint committee action approving Amendment No. 1 to Lake County Agreement #12148 for consulting for the Lake County Radio System.
Staff Summary
· On August 14, 2012, the Lake County Board authorized a contract with RCC Consultants, Woodridge, Illinois to provide consulting for the Lake County radio system project in the amount of $64,806.
· RCC has maintained a long standing relationship with the County since 2003 to provide guidance and expertise with radio system changes and Federal Communication Commission (FCC) mandates including the radio system reband project.
· RCC completed an assessment and needs analysis report of the current radio system infrastructure which reaches its end of life by December 2017.
· The report identified potential costs and procurement options for the County.
· Due to complexities and technical aspects associated with radio systems, additional services are required.
· Amendment No. 1 includes these additional services, including: development of a Request for Proposal (RFP), RFP evaluation assistance and contract negotiations assistance as part of the radio system project.
· Amendment No. 1 increases the dollar amount by $35,053, increasing the previous contract amount from $64,805 to a total of $99,858.
· In accordance with of the Lake County Purchasing Ordinance it is hereby requested that the Purchasing Agent be authorized to execute Amendment No. 1 to Lake County Agreement #12148.
TO: Chair, Law and Judicial Committee
FROM: RuthAnne Hall, Purchasing Agent
DATE: May 7, 2013
RE: Contract Modification Agreement #12148
1. On August 14, 2012, the Lake County Board authorized a contract with RCC Consultants, Woodridge, Illinois to provide consulting for the Lake County Radio System Project in the amount of $64,805.
2. This amendment increases the dollar amount of the Agreement #12148 by $35,053, increasing the total from $64,805 to $99,858.
3. The amendment to the services includes specification development for the Request for Proposal (RFP), RFP evaluation assistance and contract negotiations assistance and all other terms and conditions of the Agreement remain the same.
4. In accordance with Article 8, Section 101(1) of the Lake County Purchasing Ordinance, it is hereby requested that the Purchasing Agent be authorized to execute Amendment #1 to Lake County Agreement #12148.
5. This change order will cost the County an amount not-to-exceed $99,858; as originally approved, $64,805 will be charged to account number 101-1103320-84040-000-000-00000 and the change order amount of $35,053 will be charged to 101-1103402-71150-000-000-000-00000.