Joint resolution authorizing the execution of an intergovernmental agreement between Lake County and the State of Illinois, Illinois Department of Transportation, for the ongoing design, maintenance, and operation of the County’s Advanced Traffic Management System (ATMS), Lake County PASSAGE.
Staff Summary
• Lake County owns and operates the County’s ATMS, Lake County PASSAGE, interconnecting state, county, and municipal traffic control devices and monitoring cameras to provide improved traffic mobility and traveler information.
• The State of Illinois desires to enter into this updated agreement to memorialize the ongoing responsibilities and obligations of the ATMS.
• The previous and original agreement with the State of Illinois and Lake County regarding the ATMS was signed on March 8, 2005.
WHEREAS, Lake County, by and through its Division of Transportation, maintains and operates, through Lake County PASSAGE, traffic control devices and communication infrastructure throughout the County; and
WHEREAS, the State of Illinois and Lake County by and through its Department of Transportation (IDOT) and Division of Transportation endeavor collectively to improve the highway system in Lake County; and
WHEREAS, this County Board of Lake County, Illinois, at its March 8, 2005, meeting approved the execution of a joint master agreement between the State of Illinois and Lake County providing for the installation and maintenance of interconnected traffic control signal equipment and systems under the jurisdiction of the State of Illinois; and
WHEREAS, this County Board of Lake County, Illinois, at prior meetings has authorized the execution of agreements between the IDOT and Lake County for Lake County’s Advanced Traffic Management System (ATMS), Lake County PASSAGE; and
WHEREAS, Lake County has set a course to design, operate, and maintain an ATMS housed in the Transportation Management Center at the Lake County Division of Transportation’s offices and has determined that it is in the best interest of Lake County to deploy and operate this system in coordination with the State; and
WHEREAS, Lake County and IDOT have agreed to enter into this Agreement in order to memorialize their respective responsibilities and obligations within the ATMS, a draft copy of which is attached hereto.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by this County Board of Lake County, Illinois, that the County Board Chair, the County Clerk, and the County Engineer of Lake County are authorized, and are hereby directed to execute an agreement, and any subsequent amendments thereto, with the Illinois Department of Transportation pertaining to the terms and conditions for maintaining, operating, and the funding of the County’s ATMS system, Lake County PASSAGE; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the County Engineer shall transmit in writing the final agreement, and any subsequent amendments, to be executed by the Chair of the Lake County Board and the County Clerk; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Engineer of Lake County is hereby authorized to update, within the above-said agreement between the County and the State, the list of traffic control devices, as may be warranted from time-to-time.
DATED at Waukegan, Illinois, on August 13, 2024.