Joint resolution accepting a USEPA Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Phase 2 Grant for $675,401 for ravine and stream stabilization and restoration on the Dead Dog Creek; and authorizes an emergency appropriation.
Staff Summary
· The Lake County Stormwater Management Commission (SMC) was awarded $675,401 in USEPA Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Phase 2 grant funds for 4,000 feet of ravine and stream stabilization and restoration on Dead Dog Creek in Winthrop Harbor.
· This project concept was initiated in the Kellogg Creek/Dead Dog Creek Watershed planning effort led by SMC with input from the communities and residents in that watershed.
· This project will complete the second phase ("Phase 2") of a larger stabilization and restoration effort completed with USEPA Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Phase 2 grant funding.
· The attached emergency appropriation will provide for a total of $675,401 in USEPA Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Phase 2 grant funds for FY 2012. The grant funds require no SMC match and will reimburse costs for construction, consultant assistance, and SMC project administration.
WHEREAS, the United States Environmental Protection Agency allocated $675,401 in Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Phase 2 funding to the Lake County Stormwater Management Commission for implementation of an in-the-ground construction project on Dead Dog Creek in the Village of Winthrop Harbor; and
WHEREAS, the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Phase 2 funds can be spent on engineering design and studies, monitoring, and construction; and
WHEREAS, no match is required for these grant funds; and
WHEREAS, the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Phase 2 funds will provide reimbursement for Stormwater Management Commission project administration.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by this County Board of Lake County, Illinois, to accept a grant award from the USEPA and authorize an emergency appropriation in the amount of $675,401 in the Stormwater Management Commission Fiscal Year 2012 budget is hereby authorized (expense budget account 212-4202160-79950) for the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Phase 2 funds; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that an increase in the Fiscal Year 2012 revenue budget in the amount of $595,880 is hereby authorized (revenue budget account 212-4202160-45340); and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that an increase in the Fiscal Year 2012 operating revenue budget in the amount of $79,521 is hereby authorized (revenue budget account 212-4201010-45340).
DATED, at Waukegan, Lake County, Illinois on this 11th day of October, A.D., 2011.