Lake County, IL
File #: 24-1105    Version: 1 Name: Olive Street Resolution
Type: resolution Status: Regular Agenda
File created: 8/19/2024 In control: Planning, Building, Zoning and Environment Committee
On agenda: Final action:
Title: Resolution to vacate an unimproved portion of a right-of-way located east of Olive Street in the Cartlidge and Allen's Subdivision in Grant Township.
Attachments: 1. Olive St Report PTRL 000986-2024, 2. Plat of Vacation - PTRL 000986-2024, 3. Location Map - PTRL 000986-2024, 4. Vacation Minutes - Olive St 000986-2024, 5. Powerpoint Olive St Vacation PTRL 000986-2024


Resolution to vacate an unimproved portion of a right-of-way located east of Olive Street in the Cartlidge and Allen’s Subdivision in Grant Township.


Staff Summary

                     Christopher J. Cahill and Leon LaJeunesse, record owners, are requesting vacation of an unimproved right-of-way located east of Olive Street and between 35555, 35545, 35557 and 35539 N Olive Street, Ingleside, Illinois. The portion of unimproved right-of-way to be vacated is 16 feet wide, extends 200 feet east (average), and consists of 0.07 acres.

                     The right-of-way has not been improved nor accepted by the Grant Township Highway Commissioner. The Highway Commissioner has no objections to the proposed vacation, nor has any objection been received from public utility companies.

                     The Board of Vacations held a public hearing on July 18, 2024, and recommended unanimously to grant the vacation. Following a recommendation by the Planning, Building, Zoning and Environment Committee, the vacation request will proceed to the County Board for final action.





WHEREAS, on July 18, 2024, a public hearing was held before the Board of Vacations pursuant to Section 151.204 of the Lake County, Illinois Code of Ordinances, as amended, on the petition of Christopher J. Cahill and Leon LaJeunesse, record owners, requesting a vacation of an unimproved right-of-way located east of Olive Street, 16 feet wide, that extends 200 feet east (average), and consists of 0.07 acres, located in the Cartlidge and Allen’s Subdivision, Ingleside, Illinois, and more fully described as follows:


That part of the 16 foot private alley, described as follows: Commencing at the southwest corner of lot 5; thence south 89° 55’ 07” east (assumed). 199.90 feet to the southeast corner of lot 5; thence south 00°•00’ 05” west, 16.00 feet to the northeast corner of lot 6; thence north 89° 55’ 07” west, 199.87 feet to the northwest corner of lot 8; thence north 00° 00’ 06” east, 16.00 feet; to the point of beginning all in Cartlidge and Allen’s Subdivision, being a part of the northwest quarter of Section 13, Township 45 north, Range 9, east of the third principal meridian, According to the Plat thereof, recorded October 26, 1912 as document 143899, in Lake County, Illinois; and


WHEREAS, the petitioners are the owners of the following parcels of real estate, to-wit:


Lots 005, 006, 007 and part of Lot 011 (lying Northerly of the South Line of Lot 7 extended South Easterly in Cartlidge and Allens Subdivision of Part of the North West Quarter of Section 13, Township 45 North, Range 9, East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the Plat thereof recorded October 26, 1912, as Document 143899) in Cartlidge and Allen’s Subdivision (the “Subdivision”), and commonly known as 35545, 35555, 35557 and 35527 Olive Street, Ingleside, Illinois (PINs 05-13-124-005, 05-13-124-006, 05-13-124-007, and 05-13-124-011); and


Lot 8 and that part of Lot 11, lying between the Northerly and Southerly lines of said Lot 8 extended Southeasterly to the East line of said Lot 11 in Cartlidge and Allen’s Subdivision, being a Subdivision of part of the Northwest ¼ of Section 13, Township 45 North, Range 9, East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the Plat thereof recorded October 26, 1912, as Document 143899, and commonly known as 35539 and 35525 Olive Street, Ingleside, Illinois (PINs 05-13-124-008 and 05-13-124-012); and


WHEREAS, after reviewing the testimony presented at the aforementioned public hearing of the Board of Vacations, said Board has submitted its recommendation and report to the Planning, Building, Zoning and Environment Committee; and


WHEREAS, the Board of Vacations recommends approval of the vacation request based on the finding that: a vacation of the subject portion of Olive Street will have no negative impact on the general public or public infrastructure.


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by this County Board of Lake County, Illinois, that the public right-of-way, as described above, is hereby vacated and that portion of said plats of subdivision are hereby revoked, annulled, and set aside; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force for and after its passage provided that said petitioners shall after the passage of this resolution, file for recording in the office of the Recording Division of the Lake County Clerk’s Office, a certified copy of this resolution, the application, and the Deed of Vacation.


DATED at Waukegan, Illinois, on October 8, 2024.