Committee action approving Change Order No. 3 to Lake County Contract #13033 for the construction of a new parking lot at the southwest corner of Martin Luther King Jr. Ave. and Water St. in Waukegan, IL.
Staff Summary
· On April 9, 2013, the Lake County Board authorized a contract with Copenhaver Construction, Gilberts, IL for the construction of a new parking lot at the southwest corner of Martin Luther King Jr. Ave. and Water St. in Waukegan, IL.
· The project is for the construction of two new surface parking lots, totaling 157 stalls with associated access control, storm water detention and landscaping on a County-owned parcel at the southwest corner of Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue, and Water Street, in Waukegan.
· Pilings are required to maintain the structural integrity of the retaining wall that fronts the ravine to the south and west edges of the property.
· Obstructions were encountered deep underground that adversely affected the installation of pilings resulting in additional labor and equipment cost to remove debris.
· The circumstances that necessitate this contract modification were not reasonably foreseeable at the time the contract was signed.
· Change Order No. 3 is in the not to exceed amount of $350,000, increasing the previous contract amount from $1,414,369.50 to a total of $1,765,369.95.
· In accordance with of the Lake County Purchasing Ordinance it is hereby requested that the Purchasing Agent be authorized to execute Change Order No. 3 to Lake County Contract #13033.
TO: Chair, Financial and Administrative Committee
FROM: RuthAnne Hall, Purchasing Agent
DATE: October 2, 2013
RE: Change Order No. 3 to Lake County Contract #13033
1. On April 9, 2013, the Lake County Board authorized a contract with Copenhaver Construction, Gilberts, IL for the Construction of a New Parking Lot at the Southwest Corner of Martin Luther King Jr. Ave. and Water St. in Waukegan, IL.
2. This amendment increases the dollar amount of Contract #13033 by $350,000, increasing the total from $1,414,369.50 to $1,765,369.95.
3. The project is for the construction of two new surface parking lots, totaling 157 stalls with associated access control, storm water detention and landscaping on a county-owned parcel at the southwest corner of Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue, and Water Street, in Waukegan.
4. Pilings are required to maintain the structural integrity of the retaining wall that fronts the ravine to the south and west edges of the property.
5. Obstructions were encountered deep underground that adversely affected the installation of pilings resulting in additional labor and equipment cost to remove debris.
6. The circumstances that necessitate this Contract Modification were not reasonably foreseeable at the time the contract was signed. The changes are germane to the original contract as signed, are in the best interests of the County and authorized by law.
6. This change order will cost the County an amount not-to-exceed $350,000; as originally approved, $1,414,369.50 increasing the previous contract amount to a total of $1,765,369.95.