Resolution appointing Dr. Terri Berryman as Director of Workforce Development.
WHEREAS, with the vacancy of the Director of Workforce Development the County Administrator advertised the position nationally; and
WHEREAS, an extensive search resulted in 21 qualified applicants from across the country that submitted their credentials for consideration; and
WHEREAS, following the initial screening process, a 5 member committee formed to interview the top 6 applicants; and
WHEREAS, the 5 member committee conducted interviews of the top 6 applicants, narrowing the candidates to 3 finalists for second interviews. The 3 finalists were interviewed a second time by the initial committee and by a second committee comprised of 7 Workforce Development employees; and
WHEREAS, the County Administrator has consulted with the Chairman of the Board and the Chair of the Health and Community Services Committee (who also participated on the interview committee) and hereby recommends the appointment of Dr. Terri Berryman as the Director of Workforce Development for Lake County, and
WHEREAS, Dr. Berryman brings a tremendous background having served as the Director of Career and Placement Services for the College of Lake County and Roosevelt University; worked as a partner agency in the Grayslake One-Stop Center; and served on the Workforce Board Youth Council; and
WHEREAS, a conditional offer has been extended to Dr. Berryman pursuant to the terms of the letter attached hereto, and
WHEREAS, Dr. Berryman has accepted the offer pending appointment by this County Board.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by this County Board of Lake County, Illinois, that Dr. Terri Berryman be appointed Director of Workforce Director at an annual salary of $93,000, with other terms and conditions of employment outlined in the Letter of Acceptance (attached hereto and made a part hereof); and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, which said appointment shall take effect on November 9, 2009.
DATED, at Waukegan, Lake County, Illinois, on this 13th day of October, A. D., 2009.