Resolution directing the Lake County Zoning Board of Appeals to conduct a public hearing to consider certain proposed text amendments to the Unified Development Ordinance.
Staff Summary
• Staff will introduce a proposed Text Amendment to the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO), including provisions for:
o The permitting of wind energy facilities.
o Height, setbacks, and operating condition of wind energy facilities.
o Violations, Penalties and enforcement of the proposed regulation.
• After its review of the proposed amendment, the committee is asked to recommend to the County Board to direct the Zoning Board of Appeals to conduct a public hearing to consider the proposed amendment.
WHEREAS, the Lake County Board adopted the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) on April 11, 2000; and
WHEREAS, the UDO regulations, as they are being implemented, require a periodic review and revisions may be necessary to these regulations; and
WHEREAS, Lake County wishes to accommodate wind energy as a sustainable energy resource, while protecting the interests of surrounding communities; and
WHEREAS, the staff of the Planning, Building and Development Department, together with representatives from various Lake County municipalities, has participated on a Task Force to evaluate possible approaches for regulating wind energy and has developed a Model Ordinance to address the same; and
WHEREAS, the staff of the Planning, Building and Development Department has adapted elements of the Model Ordinance as a proposed amendment to the UDO; and
WHEREAS, the Planning, Building and Zoning (PB&Z) Committee is of the opinion that the necessary steps should be taken to address wind energy as a UDO regulation; and
WHEREAS, the state law requires a public hearing to amend the text of the UDO; and
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Lake County Board that the ZBA is hereby directed to conduct a public hearing to consider the proposed amendment identified in Exhibit A and such other amendments that are directly related thereto; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary of the Zoning Board of Appeals is hereby directed to notify the Zoning Board of Appeals of this action and keep a record of this Resolution.
DATED at Waukegan, Illinois this 16th day of March, 2010.