Resolution adopting the 2019 Strategic Plan Update for Lake County and authorizing the County Administrator to oversee its implementation.
Staff Summary
• The Lake County Board updates its Strategic Plan every two years, per County Board Rules.
• The County Board conducted three strategic planning sessions in April and May 2019 to review and update strategic goals to guide future action.
• The Strategic Plan includes an updated Mission Statement, Vision Statement and Values, as well as Strategic Initiatives, and Goals with supporting strategies, and actions.
• The Strategic Goals are: Provide Public Safety and Advance an Integrated, Data-Driven Justice System, Enhance Economic Opportunities, Improve Infrastructure, Promote a Sustainable Environment, and Build Healthy, Inclusive, and Resilient Communities.
• This resolution adopts the 2019 Strategic Plan Update and directs the County Administrator to oversee its implementation.
WHEREAS, The Lake County Board updates its Strategic Plan every two years, per County Board Rules; and
WHEREAS, the County Board conducted three strategic planning sessions in April and May 2019 to review and update strategic goals to guide future action; and
WHEREAS, the Strategic Plan includes an updated Mission Statement, Vision Statement and Values, as well as Strategic Initiatives, and Goals with supporting strategies, and actions; and
WHEREAS, the Strategic Plan includes an updated Mission Statement, Vision Statement and Values, as well as Strategic Initiatives, and Goals with supporting strategies, actions and performance metrics.
WHEREAS, the County Board now wishes to formally adopt the attached 2019 Strategic Plan for Lake County; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by this County Board of Lake County Illinois, that the 2019 Strategic Plan for Lake County, a copy of which is attached hereto and made part hereof, is hereby adopted; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Administrator is hereby directed to oversee the implementation of the Strategic Plan and to make periodic status reports back to the County Board.
DATED, at Waukegan, Lake County, Illinois, on July 9, 2019.