Joint resolution authorizing the execution of an agreement for the use of federal highway funds between the State of Illinois and Lake County for the construction of a roundabout at Riverwoods Road and Everett Road and also for Phase III Construction Engineering services.
Staff Summary
• Riverwoods Road at Everett Road, Roundabout; Construction and Phase III: IDOT Agreement and Appropriation
• The County has been allocated federal funds to improve this intersection and IDOT administers all federal highway funds.
• This agreement provides for the County to receive up to 80% reimbursement for the costs of construction and for Phase III Construction Engineering.
• This resolution also appropriates $1,050,000 of ¼ % Sales Tax Funds for Transportation and Public Safety and designated as Section 04-00136-06-CH.
WHEREAS, Riverwoods Road (County Highway 58) and Everett Road (County Highway 52) are designated routes on the county highway system; and
WHEREAS, the free flow of traffic at the intersection of Riverwoods Road and Everett Road is beneficial to the safety and welfare of the State of Illinois and the county as a whole; and
WHEREAS, the State of Illinois and Lake County believe it would be beneficial to the safety and welfare of the motoring public if the intersection of Riverwoods Road and Everett Road could be improved by reconstruction and reconfiguration for a roundabout; and
WHEREAS, Phase III Construction Engineering is required to utilize federal highway funds for the above-described improvement, which engineering will be provided by county engineering staff; and
WHEREAS, the State of Illinois and Lake County are desirous of entering into an agreement to utilize federal highway funds for the above construction of the roundabout at Riverwoods Road and Everett Road and also for Phase III engineering services (Construction Engineering) setting forth the terms and obligations to each agency, a draft copy of which is attached hereto.
WHEREAS, in order to proceed to a construction letting an appropriation of funds is needed along with approval of this agreement.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by this County Board of Lake County, Illinois that the Chair of the County Board, the County Clerk and the County Engineer of Lake County are authorized and they are directed to execute an agreement pertaining to the financing of the above-named improvement. The County Engineer shall transmit in writing the final agreement to be executed by the Chair of the Lake County Board and the County Clerk, and grant plan and specification approval to the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT).
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that there is appropriated $1,050,000 of ¼ % Sales Tax funds for Transportation for construction of this improvement and is designated as Section 04-00136-06-CH.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Engineer submit whatever documentation is required by IDOT for reimbursement to the Lake County Division of Transportation for expenditures made to provide Phase III Construction Engineering by county engineering staff for this improvement.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this agreement when executed in its final form be submitted to the Illinois Department of Transportation for their approval and final processing.
Dated at Waukegan, Illinois, this 16TH day of March A.D., 2010